Unbound Publishing Journey for Cracked Cathy - Day 4
Day 4
So only 3 pledges so far. I know it will take time but feeling a little hurt and upset that my family and friends, except the 4 that have, have not pledged. Feel a little deflated, like I won’t meet the target. I know I have to stay positive and I will not let this feeling stop me giving everything I have but I said that this would be a brutally honest account of my publishing experience with Unbound and it will be. I want to help others understand that the emotions that come with writing are perfectly normal and prevalent throughout (either that or I am actually as nuts as they say I am!)
I am finding it scary though because, aside from putting myself and my work out there for everybody to see, the financial worry is huge. My teaching bursary is running out and am worried about finances (who’d have thought being ill and not needing as much food would be a silver lining) and only have until September to get Cracked Cathy off the ground and I have my operation in July so will be laid up for a few months (at least I won’t have any distractions form my book though). Trying not to think too much about it or will panic, chuck my manuscript in the loft and regret it on my deathbed which does not feel that far away with this illness.
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